Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 49 - A Sunday Morning

And, what a beautiful Sunday morning it is! There is a reason why Christianity chose one day of the week for worship, rest and thoughtful relaxation. When I was young and even up until recently, I never appreciated the reasoning behind Sunday as a day of worship. Really, it's not about the worship or the religion. In my view, this is wrong thinking. It's about a time to reenergize and reflect on the surrounding beauty that is life and this Earth. A time to stop and appreciate what we, as humans, have been blessed to be a part of...a grand experiment of the Universe. No matter how this is conceptualized, an experiment purposely created by one God or multiple Gods or a random, transitory coming together of universal components (i.e. the stuff of which ALL things in the universe are composed), we are here, today, and life is good. THAT is why religion allowed for one day a week for worship and reflection. Or, for us, on this KFB path, one day of deliberate mindfulness.

So, here I am, today, delighted to discover that I get one extra hour. It's the end of daylight saving time, so we fall back an hour or gain back the hour that was taken away in spring. I love it. I got out of bed around 8:45, but realized when I looked at my phone, that it was now actually 7:45. A fantastic gift.

Despite the cold pain in my fingers and toes, I'm enjoying my Sunday. I rolled out from under my cozy, electric blanket, made coffee and crawled back under my cozy electric blanket to sit by the window and let the sunshine illuminate the pages of Small Is Beautiful while I leisurely consumed a couple chapters. Finally, I turned off the warmth of the blanket and embraced the chilliness of my house. It was 52 F in my bedroom this morning. I haven't caved and used the space heaters yet.

My breakfast was a hardboiled egg mashed up with avocado, hot sauce and teeny dab of cream cheese smeared over a piece of marble rye, some sweet potatoes and cinnamon on the side and a steaming bowl of milky brown rice farina topped with a few crushed up walnuts and a teaspoon of maple syrup. Oh, and of course hot coffee. I ate it slowly, enjoyed every bite. And, unlike most mornings, I immediately washed my dirty dishes with quiet deliberateness. Enjoyable, peaceful.

Also, I've learned an important life lesson this morning. Never put a glass pyrex pan just out of the oven in luke warm water. It will shatter into hundreds of pieces. Good to know. Honestly, I knew this and if I was being truly mindful, it wouldn't have happened. I've just gotten so used to using metal pans that I forgot to consider the fact that putting hot glass in much cooler water will obviously cause it to contract too quickly and result in breakage. ~sigh~ I'll never make that mistake again. :)

Taking you out with a little Johnny Cash.....enjoy your Sunday folks!


  1. Awesome post I feel like I was there!

  2. Jen - two things.

    First, closing out with Johnny Cash. Awesome.

    Second, thanks for the regular and committed posts. They're a good source of wisdom, inspiration and energy for me, and much appreciated

  3. Jenny, how did I not know you were doing this until right this second? I'll be reading back over your blog later in the week. In the meantime, what a great post. I love those mornings when you feel domestic and at peace, and renewing joy and cleanliness in your body and house is exactly what you want to be doing.
