Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 64 - Nervous breakdown?

I feel like I am damn near close to one. The emotion, the stress, I can feel it weighing down my body and controlling my mind. So much to do, so little time to do it. I'm to the point where I want to take it all, throw it in a big pile and light a fucking match. What do I need with all this stuff, all these memories piled into drawers, stuck into boxes, why do we weigh ourselves down with all this crap?


  1. Jen

    Misery. Sorry to feel the weight on your shoulders.

  2. A good friend of mine and her husband lost their home yesterday in a fire. Everything is gone, burned to the ground. (Including their 2 dogs and 10 cats.) They left the house for an hour and came back to a smoking pile of rubble. I don't know what I hope to accomplish by telling you this, but I guess your image of tossing a match on everything resonated with me. My friends are in shock (and the loss of their animals is truly horrible) but a teeny tiny part of me whispers, "Think of the freedom they have now."

    Hang in there, sweetie. Sending you love and strength.

  3. Whoa, crazy! Tragic, really.

    I think perhaps I will not drop a match on all of my memories. Maybe just par them down a bit.

    I'm sending positive vibes to your friends. I don't know them but I'm guessing they can use as much love as the universe can spare right now.

  4. Barn burned down.
    Now I can see the moon.

  5. The house across the street from me went up in flames over the summer, it was terrible. We were the first to see it and my dad got everyone out of the house. No one was hurt but we all know how the loss of items with sentimental value can take its toll.
