Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 0 - Here we go again!

I like the test post and the idea of me breaking stuff. I think I'll leave it. I, also, absolutely love the pink flaming brushstroke flying from my ass. It's like I'm a flamingo peacock with a gigantic multi-hued pink fantail. Makes me happy.

I spent today accepting the fact that I'm about to throw myself back into another intense training schedule and 90 more days of discipline. Oddly, I feel excited about it. I've already undergone so much change having just finished PCP 3 weeks ago. I can't imagine where I'll be at the end of this differently focused project.

What did I do for my last day, you ask? Weeellll, I woke up and tried to kick my hangover in the ass by jumping rope for 15 minutes before coffee. I plan on making this a habit. Wake up, brew coffee, go do jumps, come back, pour coffee and sip during workout. I like having a little caffeine coursing through my veins as I workout. I'll save most of the coffee for post-workout but it's nice to have one there to sip on in between sets. The jumping worked....the hangover pushed through quickly.

The rest of the day was taken slowly. It was a good Sunday. I did a few hours of intense yard work. Mowing. Weeding. Doing the detail work with my machete. I'm too cheap for a weed whacker and I like how badass I feel when I'm swinging a machete and slicing through grass and weeds. I finished the majority of what I wanted done. The rest of the day felt so much more peaceful because I'd finally brought some order to my yard.

I took a cold shower after the yardwork and hung my hammock under a tree. Read some amazing essays and just enjoyed a spectacular, breezy, cool (for Florida) afternoon. A friend stopped by early evening to share one last smoke with me before I start this training. We laid a blanket out in my newly mowed(!) lawn and got good and stoned. I'm not sure I can describe in words the perfectness of the evening. Imagine flying high while your generous friend gives you a back massage and you eat a mini Dove vanilla ice cream bar covered in dark chocolate. I believe heaven is something like that experience. Ha! But, as all moments are destined to do, it came to an end. I headed to the grocery store and bought up the fixin's for my dinners this week. A cocunut curry to go over baked talapia, rice and whatever random steamed vegetable I choose for the evening. Tonight's helping pictured below.

I mostly wanted to enjoy a last day of special indulgences. I've made the decision to do this project completely sober. I sent the last of my MJ home with my friend. What I love about MJ is its ability to really bring me into focus, into the moment. My senses are enhanced; I feel the life in my body. I hope to find that feeling somewhere in these 90 days of sobriety; naturally, without the assistance of intoxicants.

So, without further ado, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!


  1. Sounds like a great calm before the storm... I did the PCP completely sober, it was fantastic. I think its also going to be easier to resist bad food this round.

  2. now you are... for real... YOSHIMI!!
    chop chop

  3. See I don't have this prior experience with cooking healthy and still having it be delicious and elegant. You shall have to help guide my hands in the kitchen :D

  4. Hey Jenny! Looking fabulous in your photo, and I love the pink flames too! I'll be watching you get even stronger and more amazing. :)

  5. oooh only just realised you were doing KFB! yay, i get to read more of your stuff!!!
