Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 14 - Diet win!

I am celebrating the return of the AMAYW veggie for dinner. Woot! And, the after workout egg white. I'm going to confess, I've never given up the after work-out egg white. I kept it after PCP and I kept it last week when the diet didn't call for it. I just really, really love my morning milk with the egg white whipped in...

I should also just go ahead and confess that I've been a bit slack with the diet. Not the grams portion. I've been weighing food, but I've added some extras in there. Like, smidgens of cheese here and there or blueberry jam on toast in the morning (I picked the berries and preserved it myself!), and since I've been rather close-mouthed about KFB with most friends, I've allowed a few small indulgences when with them. Like, birthday pie last night. It was a fruit pie though! I counted it as my evening fruit. :-D That's a sheepish grin. Also, it wasn't processed pie, even the crust was home-made by my friend. How can I NOT eat it?

Anyway, all's well. It's been a good weekend. My date was nice this afternoon. He's shy about telling me about himself. It ended up being the Jenny show. He seemed into it, so it was an outlet for me to just talk about my interests for awhile. I think my delts impressed him. ;-) He wants to go running next weekend. I intimidated him with my 6 mile suggestion. I assured him I'd go easy on him. Oh! And, he wants to help me get to my headstand. I like having someone interested in spotting me for this shit.

Okay, y'all, this is the Paddle signing off.


  1. "he wants to help me get to my headstand" -- I've used that line before. Slays the chicks every time.

  2. I love how Ren took that so out of context :)

  3. awwww fitness dates. cute. love on the KFB train.....
